Some friends of ours from Melbourne, Renee and Shannen, came down to Hare Krishna Valley for 3 days to help out around the farm. They helped us pick zucchinis, and plant a couple of rows of eggplants and capsicums. They enjoyed their time in the great outdoors, and promised to return soon. Hare Krishna Valley is becoming a popular destination for people who want to get out of the city and to return to a simple way of life.
On Friday night, our Geelong home programme was hosted by Simone and Janette from Ocean Grove. We went to their place in the early afternoon, and went Boogie Boarding at the beach which is only 200 metres from their house. Then we came back and enjoyed a lively kirtana, spiritual discussion and a wonderful feast of Krishna Prasada.
We look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada.
Keshava Dasa.